"Saya terlahir sebagai seorang Yahudi dari keturunan Yahudi yang melawan Tsar dan putra seorang Yahudi yang melawan Nazi atas nama iman dan prinsip. Saya melanjutkan perjalanan itu dan akan melakukannya sampai mati. Itu sebabnya saya melawan Zionisme dan Israel."
-Stanley Cohen-
I was born a Jew to descendants of Jews who fought the czar and the son of a Jew who fought Nazis in the name of faith and principle. I continue that walk and will till death. It is why I fight Zionism and Israel.
— Stanley Cohen (@StanleyCohenLaw) October 8, 2023
Judaism is Not Zionism!
— Torah Judaism (@TorahJudaism) October 9, 2023
Israel is not the state of the Jewish people!
Israel does not represent the Jews, and does not speak in their name!
Jews are not responsible for the actions of the State of Israel!
Anti-Zionism is not Antisemitism. pic.twitter.com/Ul6QZdLdhO