[PORTAL-ISLAM.ID] Jurnalis Al-Jazeera di Tepi Barat Palestina Rania Zabaneh @RZabaneh di akun twitternya membagikan video:
"Pemukim Israel memotong sekitar 70 pohon zaitun di Qaryout, selatan Nablus, menurut penduduk setempat, yang mengatakan mereka pergi ke tanah itu setelah mendengar suara gergaji listrik… Aktivis memperkirakan pemukim menghancurkan hampir 2.800 pohon di Tepi Barat yang diduduki sejak awal 2023."
"Crimes against nature, crimes against humanity on and on and on. Where do these settlers come from? Which country is their original home? Not all are American, where else are they immigrating to Israel from?" komen @ZeldaZelvira.
(Kejahatan terhadap alam, kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan terus dan terus. Dari mana para pemukim ini berasal? Negara mana yang merupakan rumah asli mereka? Tidak semua orang Amerika, dari mana lagi mereka berimigrasi ke Israel?)
Israeli settlers cut off some 70 olive trees in Qaryout, south of Nablus, according to locals, who said they went to the land after they heard the sound of electric saws… Activists estimate settlers destroyed nearly 2,800 trees in the occupied WestBank since the start of 2023. pic.twitter.com/aLm4OiL7gJ
— Rania Zabaneh (@RZabaneh) April 11, 2023
Crimes against nature, crimes against humanity on and on and on. Where do these settlers come from? Which country is their original home? Not all are American, where else are they immigrating to Israel from?
— grizelda (@ZeldaZelvira) April 12, 2023